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  • 00:50

    RealitySpirituality Radio - Once Upon A Time

    in Spirituality

    Topic: Once Upon A Time... Call (646) 564 9619. WARNING: Seatbelts are required. Listening to this content may trigger & push buttons! 
    Rebecca L. Norrington | Happiness Specialist, Inner Peace Practitioner, Oracle, Author, Speaker, Fitness Instructor & Student of the Universe. RealitySpirituality Radio focuses on moment-by-moment life experiences and how to add to happiness--regardless of the circumstances. RealitySpirituality Radio is heard Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM (PST).
    Download Owwll App for FREE to speak with Rebecca LIVE during the week. Only $5 for 10 minutes! USE CODE "RLN" to receive  a $10 bonus to make calls. 

  • 00:26

    Amazen Grace Ministries – We are Destroying the Yokes of Bondage!

    in Spirituality

    It is Football season, and the lineup has been assigned. You are on the field and the opposing team is looking for you in the face. Tell me are you going to play to win or are you going the Quit?
    If you are playing to win or need strength we have prepared a Word for you that will Captivate your Mind, it will change your life. Christ has come that we might have Life more abundantly! This Word on today will illuminate your heart and lift you to a greater level in the Lord Jesus Christ. We will take you on a journey in the Word that will give you greater peace, greater hope and closer to Jesus as we set the pace for victory.
    Come and hear what the Word is saying to you this morning. The theme for the Month of September is “Because of the God’s Merciful Grace!” The lesson for this first Saturday in September is “The God of My Strength and Resilience!”
     2 Corinthians 11:22-27 King James Version
    22 Are they Hebrews? so am I. Are they Israelites? so am I. Are they the seed of Abraham? so am I. 23 Are they ministers of Christ? (I speak as a fool) I am more; in labours more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequent, in deaths oft. 24 Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one. 25 Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the deep;26 In journeyings often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren; 27 In weariness and painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness.

  • 00:52

    Books of the Bible

    in Spirituality

    Not chronolocial listed.
    The Pentateuch includes the first five books of the Hebrew Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
    The literary category of the Pentateuch reflects the traditional Jewish  grouping of these books together as the Torah.

  • 01:00

    Journey Through History, Humanity, and Resilience with author Gwen McPhail

    in Spirituality

    Join me with author Gwen McPhail as we dive into history and its offering of invaluable life lessons for the modern age. Her book, "My Place Among Them," is a compelling exploration of the human experience, told through the lens of history and the enduring lessons it impart including resilience, cultural understanding, and the intricate workings of politics and bureaucracy.
    Check out Gwen’s website at https://www.jstanion.com.

  • 00:29

    Living from the Inside out!!!

    in Spirituality

    Living from the inside out,  focuses on emotional balance and self regulation, however in order to begin such an imperative task one must recognize who they are as a spiritual and energetic being.  Living from the inside out is more of a spiritual matter that is corrected by the science of mind or clear thinking.  The message of Sunkofa Divinity Administration is to assist and aid others to recover and restore the truest nature of who they are.  We hope that we can touch the mind and shoulders of at least one person, however if we touch a thousand or ten thousand, the joy and satisfaction we still be expressed as if it was just one person.  Come as you are, leave thinking anew.   

  • 00:50

    Break Through Your Money Ceiling

    in Spirituality

    Ready to revolutionize your relationship with money?
    Our groundbreaking podcasts are here to help you break through your money ceiling and unleash your financial potential!
    Join us as we delve deep into the psychology of wealth, uncovering hidden barriers and providing actionable strategies to overcome them.
    Discover how to rewire your mindset, transform your beliefs about money, and manifest abundance beyond your wildest dreams.
    Don't let financial limitations hold you back any longer – it's time to rise above and claim the prosperity you deserve.
    Tune in now and start paving the way to financial freedom!

  • 02:02

    Violet Flame Saturday for Healing with Mother Mary and Kwan Yin

    in Spirituality

    Violet Flame Saturday for healing with the Emerald and Violet Rays of Victory.  Join us for spoken word prayers, decrees, calls and songs with our community of light for healing for ourselves, family, friends, community and our world.
    Booklet here to join us in the decrees:  https://fotway.com/PDFs/Healing%20Service.pdf
    Call in to join: (657) 383-0530
    Extra decrees for opening prayers and candle lighting at: https://anow.org/ascension-now-decrees/
    Ascension Now! is an charitable organization working for the freedom and Ascension of Earth - Freedom's Star.

  • 00:21

    Grace Nurture

    in Spirituality

    Encouragement, Prayer, Grace, Faith, Hope, Religion, Spirituality, Nurture, Morning Inspiration, Love and Meditation, Daily Bread

  • 00:19

    Everything Has A Season

    in Spirituality

    Welcome as we listen to a life changing podcast with Prophet Shareta Berry 
    PRAYER REQUEST EMAIL praywect1@outlook.com

  • 01:36

    Darryl Clark's Productive News Weekly

    in Spirituality

    PRODUCTIVE NEWS WEEKLY A time of Reflection, Enlightenment and Evolution.
    LIVE Thursday September 5, 2024, 6:35 - 7:45PM EDT
    Enjoying Summer!  This is a time of Reflection, Enlightenment and Evolution.  Reflection of ourselves and the environment in which we live, Enlightenment of an out-of-the box perspective of how the environment is affecting us, Evolving through personal balance, adjusting our thoughts and actions seeing things for what they really are without undue outside influence, attaining inner Peace through Productive action, and Gratitude for awareness of All.
    Join PNW as host Darryl Clark enjoys Summer season with some insightful observations with a bent toward the future.  We will also discuss some aspects of our society that impact us all and how we might influence it in a productive way, including insightful information on Health and Wellness and the heated societal and political arena, sharing information about issues NOT Typically heard on mainstream.  Tune in on this no-holds-barred discussion about our wellbeing and the choices ahead that will impact it.    
    Please Share Widely.
    CATCH THE ARCHIVES AT: BLOGTALKRADIO.COM/RENFORDGo on line here www.blogtalkradio.com/renford  Thursday 9-5-24 (6:35PM EDT) to listen in; you can also tune in by calling 347-838-9142

  • 00:28

    Finding Me Outside of You?

    in Spirituality

    When did you first dream?

About Spirituality

If spirituality can be considered a movement, it's one of the fastest-growing in the world, and one of our most talked-about topics. Perhaps it's because it has the power to be a conduit for self-definition, born of an inner longing to cultivate a purposeful life and a deeper connection to the universe. Choose from hundreds of shows featuring interviews with world-renowned professors, holistic health professionals and authors, like famed New Ager Deepak Chopra, and spiritual teachers and psychics like Sylvia Browne. Chat with kindred spirits journeying along on how they pursue higher levels of consciousness, through light, energy, chakras, angels, reincarnation, prophecies, alternative medicine, pilgrimages and more. And unlike some religions, spirituality allows for interpretation: your third-eye awakening could manifest in the calm that comes from spending time with your dog, practicing yoga, preparing a sustainable meal. Yes, BlogTalkRadio provides plenty of shows to nourish your mind, body and spirit.

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