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Speaker: Sharon Austin's Grandchild
  • by Faccident
  • in Prayer
  • 00:15

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Paul refers here to his commission to be a servant of God. The "kingdom of God" simply means the domain of the King. The place where He rules. The place where His will is done, and where His principles, laws, ordinances and... more

?We Walk By Faith, Not By Sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). God predestined you with purpose or a ?call? on your life before you were formed in your mother's womb. Some people's calling may involve saving souls while other's calling may be to... more

The Great Commission is the foundation for evangelism and cross-cultural missions work in Christian theology. The Great Commission is the instruction of the resurrected Jesus Christ to his disciples to spread the gospel to all... more

Romans 9:23-24 says: ?In order that He might make known the riches of His glory upon vessels of mercy, which He had before prepared unto glory, even us, whom He has also called.? Notice here that the verse doesn't refer to us... more

'YOU ARE BEING COMMISSIONED BY GOD' Sometimes we think we are unusable and even unredeemable. We've done something from which we feel shame and guilt and we begin to believe God can no longer use us. Our... more

Jonah was called and commissioned by God to fulfill a kingdom need. God's plan for Jonah pushed his faith and trust to full obedience. The message today is being taken from Jonah 1:1-3 Join us today as the pragmatic and prophetic beautiful... more

"God formed man of the dust of the ground." Genesis 2:7 Molded out of clay, we are in a literal sense, pottery. God physically shaped Adam from the clay of the earth and breathed life into him. We are all humans, a word akin to 'humus'... more

In everything in life, we need divine direction. Many have made costly mistakes in life because they were not being privileged to have a divine leading from God. Life, Divine direction is needed in order to follow God effectively. The Lord is a... more

TODAY'S MESSAGE: "I NEED HELP, I FEEL SURROUNDED". SCRIPTURE: II KINGS 6:14-17 There will be times in your life when it appears that life's circumstances have you surrounded, but victory awaits you! This message is... more

We have a great broadcast today. One that will make you sit at the end of your seat until the last sound is heard. Join with us today as we continue with our theme: Which Way Do I Go, Yahweh. Our beautiful, appointed and anointed... more

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