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Live Episodes

  • Live & Upcoming Episodes (351)

    in Christianity


  • Blogtalkradio is being replaced by 212audio starting February 1st 2025

    in Social Networking

    Blogtalkradio is being replaced by 212audio starting February 1st 2025.  212audio

  • The Evolution of Revolutionary Thought and Created Purpose

    in Islam

    Join us every Saturday morning 7 a.m. EST for an edition of Evolution of Revolutionary Thought and Created Purpose with I  mam Karriem Hameed as he enters in the national intelligentsia study sessions of the lectures and addresses of Imam Dr. W. Deen Mohammed (R). Imam Karriem seeks to engage the group intellect to glean from the featured lectures of Imam Mohammed's knowledge, wisdom,and direction for practical application in our personal and community lives. This is open to all serious students wishing to go beyond merely quoting, to making connections with the logic of Scripture and Life Example of Prophet Muhammed (S) through Imam Mohammed's tafsir. Bring pen, paper and the highest level of respectful mutual consultation.
    Saturday, June 29, 2024: Special Interview of Muslim Culture Con by Imam Rashad Abdul-Rahman of Atlanta, Ga. (Guests: Jayda & Zaid Hameed and Imam Bilal Hasan.)
    Connect on-line at AM360.org or at (701)719-4197 for quality programming 24 hours daily. Join us live in the studio by dialing (515) 605-9891 or (425) 292-4253. You can email us at info@cwsc.us or tweet @CWShuraa. Visit the website of our parent company, Coinmmunity Wide Shuraa Conference, Inc. at cwsc.us or leave a listener comment at (910) 317-0297. You're listening to the the number 1 islamic radio station the nation, where your intellect is respected and your voice is protected.

  • Listen to YAHWEH'S Truth from HIS Late Great Prophet Mowreh Elesha

    in Culture

    Shabbath Shalom, All Praise, Glory, and Honor belong to The True and Living ELOHIM, The Mighty YAHWEH on HIS Holy SABBATH DAY by saying, HalleluYAH!!!!!!!

  • 02:35

    SDG 691 2025 End Game Update #3 “LA was ARSON!”

    in Christianity

    We all want to know the truth about what’s really going on here in this crazy, confusing, often times chaotic world.  So be sure to listen in for the forbidden news that you'll never hear on the Fake News and later in the message we’ll tie it all into righteousness, peace and joy.
    The Bible says in Romans 14:17 KJV  For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
    So stay tuned to learn how we can align our life’s calling with God’s when we serve Jesus in righteousness, peace and joy in The Spirit!
    The bottom line folks is that as believers we may be in this world but we are not of this world and as God’s people we are just pass in’ through. So let’s all REFUSE to be destroyed by this Luciferian all out war on humanity and be sure to stay tuned in to find out the latest news that the MSM will never tell you as we dive deeper and deeper into America’s new 911 events which are unfolding in slow motion while on steroids, but remember, it all started with this lab engineered, media manipulated, corona Virus Heist!
    Check out our Substack page at bken.substack.com
    Our X (Twitter) page at Bro Ken @BroKen_1961
    Our Blog Talk Radio Archive with almost 700 episodes https://www.blogtalkradio.com/bro-ken
    And our new Rumble page at https://rumble.com/user/BrokenSDG

  • Saturday Morning Entertainment Show

    in Entertainment

    January 31st will be the last day on this platform. We urge you to take it all in as we bit farewell. We will let you know where to continue to follow us on Caribbean Global Voices. 

  • Preparing to Make It in The Land of Plenty

    in Religion

    Join us each Saturday at 9:30 a.m. EST for an episode of Preparing to Make it in the Land of Plenty with Imam Delacie Ummah Phillips and guests for a practical discussion on what it takes at the individual, family and community level to truly be prosperous in America. How do we build a good life while enjoying liberty and the pursuit of true happiness. There's an increasing divide between the haves and have nots and between those capable of pursuing the American Dream with vigor and those becoming ever more disheartened by poverty, poor health care, under education, less job opportunities or access to capital, and unfair application of the rules of the game. Join Imam Delacie as he asks the group intellect to put their hearts, minds and hands together to work for real and lasting change.
    Listen on-line at AM360.org and 24-hour live streaming (701) 719-4197! Live audience call-in to the studio at (515) 605-9891 or (425) 292-4253. Email us at info@cwsc.us, tweet @CWShuraa, like us on Facebook, Community Wide Shuraa Conference. Visit AM360 parent corporation Community Wide Shuraa Conference at cwsc.us or leave a listener comment at (910) 317-0297. You're listening to AM360, the #1 Islamic Radio Station in the Nation, where your intellect is respected, and your voice protected.

  • Moving Day/The Balance/Air Date 1/18/2025

    in Sports

    Everyone hates moving day, am I right? BUT, just because we are moving platforms doesn't mean you have to do any heavy lifting!! El Presidente will be reminiscing over the past 24 years here on BlogTalk before we make the move to our new platform, SPREAKER, a part of the IHeart Family. We're excited to make this move! 
    Don't worry...we won't stay in the past the whole time. Ed Kracz, beatwriter for the Philadelphia Eagles, SI.com and our official NFL contributor joins us to break down the NFL Playoffs.
    AND, Adam Jividen, our official CFB contributor and co-pilot joins El Presidente on Monday (that's right!! Monday!) on the new platform to discuss the CFB National Title game!! Keep an eye out on all of our social media for that information!
    Call in at 917-889-8516, check out our Instagram @thebalancesportscast and our website at www.balancesportscast.com You don't want to miss this one...it's about to get good!!


    in Religion

    Peaceful Sabbath fam! Praying that all's well with each of you & your households. Welcome to Biynah Thurah, Understanding Torah, as we begin a new series that asks the question Am I Abominable to YHWH? Join us as we search Holy Scripture to learn what YHWH defines as abominations. HALLELUYAH!

  • Saturday Worship Service / Sermon Elder Joseph Stephens

    in Christianity

    Pastor & Mrs. Overall and the RFCM Church Family invite you to come and worship the LORD our God with us as we grow together in the knowledge and grace of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. ALL ARE WELCOME IN THE LORD’S HOUSE Revelation 22:17 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.
    Tithe & Offerings - Runner For Christ Ministries (rfcm.org)
    Salvation Prayer @ Salvation Prayer - Runner For Christ Ministries (rfcm.org)