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Contending For The Faith

You, God, The Church & Money


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YOU, GOD, THE CHURCH & MONEY Is A No-Nonsense, Straight-Talking Call-In Broadcast That Squarely Puts The Spotlight Of Scripture On All Things Financial Which Adversely Effect God's People, Tarnishes The Testimony And Hinders The Effectiveness Of The Lord's Church

On-Demand Episodes

In today's broadcast Radio Reformer will be be sharing how another IDIOT PREACHER has joined The Joint College of African-American Jackass Bishops. This broadcast is Part 2 in this series. To give a FREE-WILL LOVE GIFT... more

In today's broadcast Radio Reformer will be be sharing how another FOOL PREACHER has joined The Joint College of African-American Jackass Bishops. This broadcast is Part 1 in this series. To give a FREE-WILL LOVE GIFT... more

In today's broadcast Radio Reformer will share with us which major Protestant denominations have jumped into bed with the Great Harlot Church of Revelation 17 which is the apostate Roman Catholic Church. To give a FREE-WILL... more

In today's broadcast Sis. AJ will continue to talk about PERVERSE MEN AMONG US. To get a FREE E-Book copy of SPIRIT OF PYTHON DUNCE and JACKASS CHURCH BISHOPS just e-mail author Moses Henry Jones at... more

There is a new book producing major chatter in the African-Amercan Church. It is the first book in a provocative series that explores the present Roman Catholic invasion of the Black Church in America. The book is called JACKASS... more

There is a new and provocative book causing a major stir in the African-Amercan Church. It is the first in a series of projected works that explains the present and ongoing Roman Catholic invasion of the Black Church in America. The book is... more

In today's broadcast our dear brother and host Moses Henry Jones will be talking about the predicted HOSTILE REACTION to the RELEASE and FREE GIVEAWAY of his new E-book JACKASS CHURCH BISHOPS, a book he... more

To commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, author and polemicist Moses Henry Jones prepared a tailored-made 95th Theses in 2017 which was designed to repel the Roman Catholic invasion of... more

We at the Reformation News broadcast have put forth our own version of the 95 Theses/Propositions for the Joint College of African-American Bishops to consider and provide a counter response. Proposition #95: A triple woe to... more

We at the Reformation News broadcast have put forth our own version of the 95 Theses/Propositions for the Joint College of African-American Bishops to consider and provide a counter response. Proposition #94: Like Balaam, the... more

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