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Night 5 of our Holy Ghost filled, 7 night, end of the year Revival
in Religion
We are so excited!!!!! Tonight is Night 5, where souls are being revived!!!!. Join us at Purpose Kingdom Network as we host or annual Holy Ghost filled 7 night end of the year revival. This years theme is: "IT'S TIME FOR A NEW THING" Isaiah 43:19a with Revival Host Mo. Janice Hudson. And the preached word coming from Elder Elijah Bing. At 9 pm on www.blogtalkradio.com/purposekingdom or listen via phone at 319-527-6091. End this year and bring in the new in the presence of the Lord. Don't allow anyone to miss this move of God. Please share.
Share Your Jumuah and Commentary of Imam W D Mohammed ra
in Religion
Join us this Friday at 1:00pm EST for the blessed "Share Your Jumah" on American Muslim 360 AM360.org provides one of its most important community services, broadcasting the Salatul Jumah from a masjid or Islamic center followed by commentary of Imam WD Mohammad (RA). AM360 broadcasts Jumahs from our group intellect throughout the nation more than any other resource in America. For those most vulnerable, like the elderly, disabled, sick, and others unable to attend a musella, AM360 offers a vital link to hear a Jumah from the comfort of their home or office.
Jumah: 12:30pm EST Khatib Imam Yahya Abdullah or a guest speaker Imam.
Connect on-line at AM360.org and by 24 hour streaming at (701)719-4197. Join us live in the studio by dialing (515) 605-9891 or (425) 292-4253. You can email us at info@cwsc.us or Tweet @CWSihuraa. Like us on Facebook, Community Wide Shuraa Conference. Visit the website of our parent company,, at cwsc.us or leave a listener comment at (910) 317-0297. Together we can remake the world into a better place. u're listening to AM360, the #1 Islamic Radio Station in the Nation, where your intellect is respected and your voice is protected
My 2025 Street Love Confessions for Life and Godliness
in Prayer
Let Sister Shelli share in her 15 minute motivational message the importance of speaking God's words in - My 2025 Street Love Confessions for Life and Godliness
in Christianity
Saturday, December 28, 2024 - Join Global Gospel as we spread the good news and glad tidings of Jesus Christ. Consider for a thought "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Phillipians 4:8. end the year on a positive note with positive thinking. Stay tuned and be blessed!
The Power of Christmas
in Christianity
The Son of God comes into this world to bring us forgiveness, life, and salvation. He is born of the Virgin Mary and becomes flesh and blood to enter our life and bear our burden. Through Christ, we receive grace and mercy. He gives us the chance to make a new beginning in our life.
Ninety Five Thesis Topics 16 to 20 Pages 31 to 38
in Religion
Ninety Five Thesis Topics 16 to 20 Pages 31 to 38
Topic 16.
Topic 17a.
Topic 17b.
Topic 17c.
Topic 18.
Topic 19.
Topic 20.
Time To Talk About It
in Christianity
Logion International Ministries Inc. is a ministry that teaches and encourage you to grow and increase in substance of thoughts and words, also to express that which is being establish abundantly within. We want to arouse your mind so that the word of God may be spread abroad by your ability to influence. The ministry operates under an Apostolic and Prophetic Anointing, with Restoration, Healing and Deliverance.
The History of Christians and Christmas by Pastor O.
in Christianity
Join us as we reflect on one of the most significant historic holidays. Is it wrong for Christians to celebrate Christmas? Does Santa Claus seek to rival Jesus Christ? Many Christians struggle with the question of whether or not we should celebrate Christmas and how it should be celebrated. Do we put up lights or not? And just where did this Idea of Santa Claus come from? And what do we say to our kids about Santa? The answers to these questions and more will all be answered in the look back at this Historical day we call Christmas.
The Revelation of Jesus~
in Religion
Join Spirit of Truth Ministry on Friday, January 17, 2025 at 10AM PDT, for our podcast The Revelation of Jesus with Rick Sterling.
We are in the process of moving shop over to Spreaker.com to continue our podcasts. This is a new system to us, and there is a fairly steep learning curve. Hopefully, we will be "UP" on our new podcast site before the end of the month, so stay tuned for the latest news on our Facebook group page.
As it is, our podcast site is still on Blog Talk Radio, at: blogtalkradio.com/sot. See you then!
The History on African Elohim Gods Civilization Kings Law Kingship. Europe Null!
in Religion
Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Aug 6, 1945 – Aug 9, 1945
Description of the first European exact ID Hominid-primates-Ap : The uncivilized theses of Europe, Doing
On 6 and 9 August 1945, the United States detonated two atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, respectively. The bombings killed between 150,000 and 246,000 people, most of whom were civilians, and remain the only use of nuclear weapons in an armed conflict. Dates: Aug 6, 1945 – Aug 9, 1945 Hiroshima, Nigasah.
According to current scientific understanding, (World History): Rejects initial while there is evidence that early humans (Homo sapiens) interbred with other hominid species like Neanderthals and Denisovans, there is no credible evidence to suggest that modern humans ever interbred with apes like chimpanzees, making a "hominid-ape hybrid" with Sapiens impossible due to significant genetic differences that prevent successful reproduction between the two species
Caution: Europe invaders and Colonizers, are ID: hominids-gays; church criminals who have defrauded the Hybrid Indigenous people, of all their Indispensible birthrights. We Hybrid people are create by the Elohim gods 200,000 years ago--we are crated by the Great Gods. Not by Europe (Carl Linnaeus). We only worship Elohim, the created all the Wise Wise Sapiens Sapiens Species. The Astronaut of Anu; Enill and Enki. We now demand that all Europeans hominid-Apes-homosexual get out of our Western Hemesphere. Let the Elohim do their mistery against the Gays.
Be Aware: Monitoring Spirits
in Christianity
The Return of Jesus Christ is an explanation of the Last Hour before Christ's return. The anointing of the Last Hour shall be greater and more powerful in this hour than any has seen in the history of the church. The anointing of the Last Hour shall be as it were in the days of the Apostles. It will be to a degree, measure far above that which is believable. The anointing in the Last Hour shall rest upon those in great measure who have a pure heart and clean hands. Prayers will be answered quickly for those who have pure hearts and clean hands. This is the hour of wealth and prosperity for those who love the Lord. For the Lord takes pleasure in the prosperity of his people. When the world's economic system fail then the Lord will uphold his people with his right hand.
Please click the link below to purchase my book
The Return of Jesus Christ: Manson, Ms Adrienne F: 9781978407695: Amazon.com: Books
- ...
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