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Karen Tate

Voices of the Sacred Feminine


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I AM ENOUGH & SO ARE YOU! NEW SHOW FORMAT on VOICES OF THE SACRED FEMININE! Discussing Sex, Power, Religion and Politics with Karen Tate, thought leader, author, speaker and social justice activist. Every Wednesday hear Dr. Rev. Karen Tate, discussing the bees buzzing round in her bonnet: local, national, global and personal from a Divine Feminine, or Right Brain point of view. Some call it the Feminine Consciousness or the shift away from patriarchal values to manifest a new and much needed normal. Raise your consciousness and save the world! It hasn't always been this way. And things don't have to stay the same. Fear Not - taste the forbidden fruit! Dare to speak it out loud! Rethink, reclaim and embrace wisdom and knowledge denied us far too long. Unlock your tool kit and empower yourself as you learn long hidden truths and ideas from your home altar to the voting booth, including what denying the feminine face of god, deity, archetype or ideal, has cost humanity! Karen Tate's 7 published books include her newest, Normalizing Abuse; A Commentary On The Culture of Pervasive Abuse, Sacred Places of Goddess; 108 Destinations, Walking An Ancient Path; Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth, Goddess Calling; Inspirational Messages & Meditations of Sacred Feminine Liberation Thealogy and the anthology based on this show, Voices of the Sacred Feminine; Conversations to ReShape Our World. That book, along with the anthologies Goddess 2.0. and Awaken the Feminine comprise the famous "manifesting a new normal" trilogy. Visit Karen's website: karentate.net and "like" my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/KarenTateAuthor

Upcoming Broadcasts

Maybe it's the darkness and the introspection that comes with the time of year we visited our hometown of New Orleans for the first time in three decades, but I heard that nostalgic trope, "you can't go home again," ringing in my ears almost daily. It made for wise counsel from my Higher Self I'll share with you.
  • by Karen Tate
  • in Culture
  • 00:45

On-Demand Episodes

Tonight Gypsy Jean is with me discussing the newly build brick and mortar Goddess Temple in Utah! Yes, you read that right. Tune in and hear this amazing and inspirational story, as well as Gypsy's story, and learn about the women in... more

Tonight another contributor to Awaken the Feminine, the third anthology in the "manifesting a new normal" series curated by yours truly is with us. Our topic is Are Shouting and Silence Our Only two Options? Bringing Bipartisanship and... more

Join me as I chat with Heather Mendel, contributor to the new anthology, Awaken the Feminine! We'll be discussing Spirituality, Intuition and Belief in the 21st Century - with particular emphasis on creating a personal, evolving and mystical... more

Allen Lottinger is our guest discussing his book, Time to Align...as we get beyond the tired and cliche conversations about the law of attraction. This is the perfect conversation to be having before we exit the dark and dormant time of the year... more

Wim Bonis, the first contributor to Awaken the Feminine, my new anthology in the "manifesting a new normal" series, is calling in from the Netherlands this morning, discussing his essay titled "In the Beginning Was the Landscape" and Goddess... more

Tonight storyteller, screen writer, author of dozens of books and inspirational speaker, Esther Luttrell, is my guest and Searching for Life After Death and Ancient Goddesses....Conversations with Esther Luttrell is tonight's diverse topic.... more

Krystal Rains, artist, herbalist, healer, social justist activist and shamanic practitioner is with me discussing Healing Ancestral Trauma. We're told changing the world begins with each one of us. Well, maybe that feels very daunting,... more

Ellen Evert Hopman, Druidic initiate, founding member of the Order of the White Oak, Archdruidess of the Tribe of the Oak and member of the Grey Council of Mages and Sages is the author of the new book The Real Witches of New... more

Tonight Dianne Lawson is with me discussing how we can improve our relationships or choose better relationships using astrology. We'll discover red flags people should be looking out for in relationships, what are planetary... more

Shamanic psychotherapist and therapeutic energy worker, Carley Mattimore, co-autor of Sacred Messengers of Shamanic Africa joins me on VSF to discuss the importance of the messages and messengers coming out of Africa.... more
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