Live Episodes
- Live & Upcoming Episodes (335)
No show due to technical difficulties with Blog Talk
in Health
Welcome to the NEW Roundtable Wednesday where topics that are related to BEMER can be explored and expanded upon. This is a place where open participation is needed so everyone can learn and grow from one another. Please note, this show is recorded and heard by distributor and non-distributor alike, so we must stay compliant, positive, and show everyone the helping hearts we all have as we share BEMER with others. Areas of discussion will cover everything in the BEMER Back Office, new promotions, how to share BEMER, what works best for you, what tools do you use most and why. As you can see, the list is endless and as more people discover this open forum we should all learn in a fun and positive way. I look forward to hosting this program. Please dial 1 on your phone to call in and share. Let's grow our BEMER Family together!!!!
City of Broken Sidewalks - You Can't Go Home Again
in Culture
Maybe it's the darkness and the introspection that comes with the time of year we visited our hometown of New Orleans for the first time in three decades, but I heard that nostalgic trope, "you can't go home again," ringing in my ears almost daily. It made for wise counsel from my Higher Self I'll share with you.
Halal Industry , Do For Self Dedicated to imam Wali Ayyub Bilal.
in Islam
Join us every wednesday from 5pm-7pm EST for an addition of The Halal Industry Do For Self with your host Imam Wali Bilal President, Founder and CEOof Bilal's Inc, and co-host James Bashir and Nate Muhammad. Live audience call in to the studio at (515) 605- 9891 or ( 425) 292- 4253. Listen at and by 24 hour streaming at (701) 719 - 4197.Share comments at Tweet us at CWSCShuraa. Visit our parent company, Community Wide Shuraa Conference at,or leave a listener comment at (910 ) 317- 0297.Together we can remake the world
Independent Music Showcase ''Best Artist and Album of 2024 '' announcement.
in Music
IIndependent Music Showcase ''Best Artist and Album of 2024 '' announcement.
Salvation Prepared for All People / Teacher Pastor Sarah Tate-McClendon
in Christianity
Review questions will be asked following the teaching portion of this class. If you want to answer the Bible Review questions, this is how you do that. If you have called in on your phone, press one (1), putting you in the host queue. Then, we can open up your mic, enabling you to give your answer or make your comment. Please remember to keep any background noise as nonexistent as possible. The best way to do this is to mute your phone until you want to answer a question or make a comment.
Tithe & Offerings - Runner For Christ Ministries (
Sports beat Radio, Talkin Sports. Is Sports Turning Upside Down?
in Sports
There was a time when though changes did take place in sports, for the most part, we had consistency and a general overall appreciation for what each sport gave to us. The kickoff, the baseball intentional walk, the hockey game ties as well as great defense in basketball. Now, all that has and is going by the wayside as sports that we love and grew up to appreciate is changing before our very eyes. Some say keep the traditions, while others, call for robotic umpires and general overall changes. Join host John Spoulos as we take a look at our ever changing sports atmosphere.
Blogtalkradio is being replaced by 212audio starting February 1st 2025.
in Radio
Blogtalkradio is being replaced by 212audio starting February 1st 2025. 212audio
Ghost Whispering
in Spirituality
Blog Talk Radio is offline the end of January 2025. We will continue our public 30 Minute preview call-in show every Wednesday and Saturday 6:30pm ET followed by our Subscription-Only private live show.
Subscribe to to join the private live show following the public preview. Subscribers must register a username and password on once Subscribed in order to receive the password email to the “Show” Tab to join the broadcast.
You may use Blog Talk Radio until the end of January. Beginning February 1st 2025, Call: (818) 794-7004. Skype audio and/or video call questions to Practical.Intuition (NY):
Title: Parenting and Family Reconstructing Learning Lab
in Lifestyle
Program Description: Mark Shahid guides the listening audience in an interactive conversation on effective parenting. This episode will focus on developing leadership skills in children. Listeners are invited to bring questions as well as share their parenting experiences to the learning lab.
Israel's 9/11 vs U.S. Pearl Harbor and U.S. 9/11 - The Real Meaning?
in Politics
Israel's 9/11 vs U.S. Pearl Harbor and U.S. 9/11 - The Real Meaning?
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 3480
in Self Help
Tonigt's episode will be led by Dr. Nancy V Brown and Penelope Benis.Their special guest Monica Phillips has always been Intentional about her love and compassion towards the people of God and that is Everyone. In Ezekiel 18:4 it says that all souls are mine (Yahweh’s). She is now in year eighteen of doing her Outreach ministry, which she calls Drive Thru Prayer (DTP) she started by hearing the voice of the Lord while sitting in a church service instructing her to “GO” outside in one of the high crime areas in Youngstown, Ohio with pieces of a cardboard box with the words “Need Prayer” written on them and sit in a chair and wait, and before long people where coming from everywhere stating that they needed Prayer! People were being prayed for and their lives were being changed on the spot! Years later people still show up! She's now hosting her conference “This Is My Exodus” which welcomes everyone However it is tailor-made for those men and women who have suffered abuse of any kind including church hurt molestation and sexual abuse within the church walls as Monica was molested and raped at the ages of 13,14 finally dealing with it after 40 years of silence and being Healed Monica’s sincere hope and Prayer is that her Testimony and Mission will help those who are struggling spiritually, mentally, and emotionally to get on the other side of the pain of their abuse with guilt, shame, and self-blame and to LEAVE that place of bondage (Egypt) where the sting of each experience is no more! So, they can walk boldly into their promised land and be all that God called them to be. This Is My Exodus. Everyone's invited to engage in tonight's show. Call in at (646) 595-2118. And be sure to visit the website.
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